The Art of Knotting....
Its macrame and it's back big time. There are loads of patterns and tutorials on You Tube and great inspiration on Pinterest. This is my new favourite skill ... I'm just a beginner but I find it super soothing and really easy because I think it relates closely to knitting. Plus you can imagine all the people you could be strangling as you pull the knots tight! Is that just me then?! I knit because murder is wrong (according to the poster!) but the jury's out on that one ... do you see...

It's been a while..
It's been really hard to know what to say in light of the Corona virus Pandemic which has turned our world upside down. So many people have lost so much and so many people have given so much, so talking about wool seemed trivial and not appropriate really. But as we gradually emerge from our lockdown, in a safe and alert way, it now feels okish to talk about yarn.

Keep Calm and Carry on Knitting
Without making light of this dreadful disease and I do feel sorry for Boris as if he didn't have enough to contend with so early in his Presidency (!) without Brexit, now we have this virus. I'm sure it is very worrying for those who have it or have family members who are vunerable it must be very scary! But we are a great country and we have been through worse times and I do feel that we might just come out the other end of this a nicer, calmer and more caring society. When did we start...

Storm Outside - Knit the Sun
Guess what happened to me? When someone says ' are you still running your little knitting business? Quite apart from smashing them in the face, I'd really like to say don't patronise me you toad! I'd like to see you do everything I do on a daily basis. In fact, I doubt whether people who have never run a business have any idea about the amount of hours that go into running a small business ... let me tell you... you never switch off ...

Happy New Year!
I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year before we are all knee deep in fun, frivoility and fizz! Who am I kidding? I shall most probably be wrapped in my duvet by 11pm! We all at A Bit Woolly hope that 2020 is everything you wish for and mainly we hope that that is health and happiness for you and all your nearest and dearest. My resolutions are as always to stop smoking, stop drinking and loose half my body weight this year ... at least then I know I can achieve at least 2 out of 3 ......

Christmas is coming....
As I sit writing Christmas cards and hoping not to forget anyone ... can't find my trusty Christmas Book AGAIN - the really useful one with the names of everyone's kids, likes, dislikes etc that I have been using for many years (where do these things go?!)

Black Friday Gloom...
So thinking about Black Friday ... and the gloom that engulfs me, I wonder where it all came from? And yes, before you all shout AMERICA, that's not what I mean!

Pondering My Pumpkins....
As I sit here pondering the demise of my pumpkins, knitted ones of course ... I've made many over the years which have been put away so safely I can't for the life of me find them! Where do all the things we 'put away safely' go?? Anyway, I digress! So, Halloween and all that jazz, whilst I love aut

Happy Birthday Woolly
Here at A Bit Woolly we are celebrating 11 years in business... It's on Sunday 13th October actually, but we are making a week of it, so as the cakes and fizz flow I was just wondering whether I'm a superb business woman with a strong creative mind or just a survivior?! As my website launched all those years ago, the evening news featured Gordon Brown stating that we were officially in a recession! Ho hum!

Woolly Ventures Out...
On the rare occasion that the Nursing Home for the Bewildered Knitters lets me out, I always seem to get into trouble and then that leads me on/inspires a knit of some description. The ones that are printable will be coming soon in my book!!

One Girl and Her Wool
Growing up in the Yorkshire Dales, near Ilkley Moor Bha t’at, knitting was not unusual in fact everyone did it! My mother taught me and her mother likewise. Actually, it was only a few years ago when I found out that I am a knit-aholic of some 50 years – I knit in the continental way! Who knew?! So that would make sense as I have French ancestors on both sides. And yes, my brother can knit. He wanted a Dr Who aka Tom Baker style scarf in the 70s so he knocked one up and was only...

Hold on to your hats
Hi Everyone, it’s me Wendy! Well, hold onto your hats indeed! Here it is my new, spangled updated website complete with a BLOG. Now I can inflict the daily ramblings of a woolly, knitting (only crochet sometimes), handmade obsessed, mumtrepreneur on you all! And what do I say now … I don’t think my life is that interesting to everyone else but its what we do nowadays. Right?

Who likes Freebies?
We always love to chuck a little something into brighten your day. So when you are jumping up and down because the postie has delivered your yarn - if that's not enough excitement in itself - we will have put a little extra something in for you. We send thank you notes with every parcel and always attempt to package your balls (!) beautifully. Not only that but AS WELL our postage charges are below the first class price you would pay in the post office for a small packet. But they are...